Tolland Imaging Center
6 Fieldstone Commons, Suite E
159 Merrow Rd (for GPS)
Tolland, CT 06084
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What is the best way to schedule a patient at Tolland Imaging?
Please call us directly at 860-896-4848 to schedule your patient for an appointment or use our on-line Request an Appointment online form.
What do patients need to bring to their appointment to facilitate the payment process?
Complete insurance information should be brought to the appointment including patient's insurance card, ID and group number, or Medicare card.
What information will I need to provide to schedule an exam?
In order to make an appointment for patients at Tolland Imaging Center, the individual scheduling the exam will need to provide the following patient information:
How soon can the patient get an appointment with Tolland Imaging Center?
Tolland Imaging Center is open Monday through Friday. We are open for general Xray Monday through Thursday 8:00 AM - 4:45 PM and Friday 8:00 AM - 3:00 PM.
Does the patient need pre-authorization from his or her insurance provider?
Almost all insurance plans require prior authorization for CT Scan and MRI, though other services vary. The ordering doctor's office will need to check with your insurance company to obtain authorization. The authorization should be done before you schedule your appointment with Tolland Imaging.
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